Friday, June 30, 2017

Adopt A Spot at the Community Orchard!

Ashley and Zachariah digging one of their holes at the community orchard.  They have "adopted" a few spots that will be planted with fig trees and given permanent markers at some future date.

It's a great cause to give the effort toward the future of the community and show those who will benefit from the fruits that you cared enough.  Someday Ashley's children and grandchildren will come to the orchard and see what she took part in creating.

To adopt a spot, dig a hole 3ft diameter x 2ft deep and write your name on the stake with a permanent marker.  Spots can be dedicated "in honor of" or "in memory of" a certain someone or couples, church groups, organizations, etc. Be sure to let me know and write anything on the stake that you want to be on the marker.

I'm trying to keep the top layer of grass clods, large rocks and good dirt separated as the holes are dug.  Using the grass layer to fill in low spots on the property and hauling the large rock to a pile in the far Southeast corner.  Just leave them by the hole and I will take care of them when back-filling and planting the trees.

At least one person has asked if they could plant their own tree.  I don't have any objections to that as long as it's a fruit bearing tree that doesn't require a lot of spray and needs to become drought tolerant once established.  The orchard concept I originally had was to provide as low maintenance as possible while giving a variety of fruits that aren't commonly known or grown locally.

So if you want to plant say an apple tree of some sort, know that I don't grow or know anything about apples!  Be prepared to provide upkeep and educate me.  Yes, I will also welcome orchard maintenance help in the future if anyone is so inclined to do that sort of thing.  I will need some eager souls who want to learn about the trees and other plants to carry on when I go to that big orchard in the sky. 

This is the current adopted spot record.  We have room for plenty more adoptions!

1 comment:

  1. This is a super project. I am so glad that one of my Spruill Family "Heritage" fig bushes from North Carolina will soon be set out in the orchard. I hope it will like its new home. You can read about his variety and see photos at Jack


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